Road Safety Campaign: Mayor’s Office of Transportation and Utilities for the City of Philadelphia. Worked closely with media planners to efficiently propel the impact of a multi-unit transit campaign (on a small budget) to interrupt bad road behavior at the exact point of action. Message was targeted to placement giving equal blame to pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers with the campaign logo “RIDE RIGHT. WALK RIGHT. DRIVE RIGHT.” These are commonsense rules of the road we learned when we were 8-years old, so maybe we need to be spoken to like we are 8-years old. IT’S ROAD SAFETY. NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.
:: Creative, Strategic + Art Direction of initial concept and pitch. Supervision of Art Direction + Design + Production on all campaign units ::
Mayor’s Office of Transportation and Utilities
Mayor’s Office of Transportation and Utilities
Philadelphia Retail Marketing Alliance
Center City District
jomar stores
Beneficial Bank – Starting Now
Rydal Park – Spirited Living
Beneficial Bank Lending TV
Beneficial Bank Solar TV
UPENN New Bolton Center
Philadelphia Convention Center
Spa Solas